This week we have made an scape tomó about the nature.

The objective is to learn about things of the nature and you have to find the key to open the chest .

The students, blindfoolded, will have to guess what thigs are inside the box, and one of them will be the key,

The event are for children of five years old:

1. Explodes:

This event consists of to off the balloons with their hands, to find the necessary piece of key.

2.what it is?

with this event you get more into nature.

3. Puzzle:

This chanllenge consists in make a puzzle of landscapes.

4. Catch ducks:

Consists in catching the ducks and in one of them will be the piece of the key.

5. Rainbow:

They will have to put the flowers in order like the colors of the rainbow.

6. Sand:

When they complete all the challenges, they will earn the clue where is the key, they will find it and will be able to open the chest. 

One all these event have been passed, they will mount the key to get the clue where the key is, and they can open the chest.

Our companions commented that they liked the scape room and was so interesting and dynamic.