This week we have made a mind map, flashcards and an interactive poster.
To work with these materials we have chosen as the theme the seasons, we work with the weather and the clothes of each of the seasons. It is aimed at a class of children of 5 years.

First of all, we have made the flashcards. We have put images on the front side and on the back side the corresponding word. For example, the image of a sun and the word sunny.

Then, we have made the mind map. In this, we have put the basic vocabulary words that they need to know and with which we will work with the rest of the materials.

Finally, we have made the interactive poster, it is a way of working on the theme that we have chosen in a more fun way. We have put the image of each season and within it we can find different songs, games, sounds. In this way children can select which season they want to do and interact with it.

Link to Poster Link to Flashcards

In general, the valuations of our companions were good, we are happy with the result.